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Monday, November 10, 2014

5 Important Subjects For Computer Science Engineer

Dear Friends

It is really happy to know that, India is the largest producers of Engineers in the world. Especially Tamil Nadu is the biggest hub for Engineers, as it has more than 1 IIT at Madras, NIT at Trichy, Anna University at Chennai, More than 10 Deemed Universities, More than 500 Engineering colleges of Tamil Nadu makes a large impact in Indian Education System.

Since I am a Computer Science and Engineering Graduate, I would like to guide my dear juniors, friends of Computer Science background by highlighting the importance 5 major subjects that has to be given higher importance.

1. Data Structure and Algorithm - Data Structure would the mother of Computer Science and Engineering. Knowledge on how data is stored, retrieved is the basic idea behind Data Structure. One cannot find a Interview question without Data Structure. Almost in all the universities, Data Structure paper would have more credit than other papers.

2. Data Base Management System - Another core paper for Computer Science Engineers, which again deals with data. But here a student will have a complete exposure towards managing the large volume of data.

3. Software Engineering - Complete Study on the various life cycle and methods adopted during the software development is essential for a computer science graduate.

4. Computer Networks - It is the era of Internet, Complete knowledge on Networking concept would be a added advantage for a computer science graduate during the employment.

5. Programming Languages - The basic, fundamental of Computer Science and Engineering would Programming Languages such as ( C, C++, Java, etc). Knowledge on anyone of the programming language will be a essential criteria during the employment. 

There are few advanced topics, which would have large impact on computer science engineers would be

1. Digital Image Processing
2. Data Mining and Data Warehouse
3. Distributed Systems
4. Grid/ Cloud/ Pervasive/Mobile Computing
5. Soft Computing.

For Employment point of view, any recruiter will expect a Computer Science Engineer candidate to have a sound knowledge on 5 major subjects which I have written earlier.


Er. Praveen Kumar Rajendran

Member, International Association of Engineers

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