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Saturday, September 28, 2013

SMAC - Social

The Future computer world or the information technology world can be defined with the term SMAC. 

The term SMAC stands for 
S – Social 

M- Mobile



I am going to discuss about each terms one by one in my blog.

 Here the term social indicates Social Networking. I would like to define social networking as sharing or spreading of information in public network (Internet) to n number of users at the same time. As the information reaches millions of users at the same time I would like to say that Social Networking sites would be the present generation Mass Media. Of course we cannot give any sort of assurance for the truth of information; this problem is common in all Mass Media. 

Increase in number of users using social networking sites has taken the information technology to another leap paving a broader way for research and development too. The Impact of these social networking are quite large. To illustrate an example for the above statement all I could say is the recent survey that clearly says that the social networking sites would play a major in 2014 Lok Shaba Election of India. 

In earlier days the process of communication and connection between people was so difficult but social networking clears this problem by connecting people ever. But to define in another words about the current scenario of social networking, all I can say is now people are socially connected to share emotional information’s too, that is why teenagers emotionally loose themselves in these sites and lose their life, it would be better if people use things for the purpose it was made.


Praveen Kumar Rajendran M.E

Sathyabama University
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Item Reviewed: SMAC - Social Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Praveen Kumar Rajendran