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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cluster Computing

Before grid computing, it was cluster computing.

Cluster computing is a form of computing, in which a group of computers are linked together so that they act like a single entity.

The things is cluster computing connects within a small location, but grid computing connects globally.

Here are few comparisons between grid computing and cluster computing

Cluster Computing
Grid Computing
It is homogenous, that is only computers with same infrastructure and architecture will be formed as clusters. If a cluster has to be formed with IBM machines, we cannot bring other machines into the cluster. Here the architecture not only includes the hardware but also the Operating System. We should have same operating system too between the computers in the cluster
Grid is heterogeneous, which means that we do not care about architecture of the machines. With any machines we can form a grid.  It is not necessary that all the computers should have same operating system in terms of grid computing.
Cluster is limited to a single location.
Grid can be distributed globally.
Here we the systems are tightly coupled
But in grid the systems are loosely coupled
Here it is centralized Job management and scheduling is being done.
In grid it is distributed job management and scheduling is being done.
Diversity and Dynamism
Single System Image
That is the basic comparison between grid and the cluster computing.

Will discuss much more things in the next article.


Praveen Kumar Rajendran M.E

Sathyabama University 
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