Command :
Usage :
Kill command is one of the important command used in linux, this command would be much useful to terminate any process.
For instance if your struck in the middle,you can use ps command to look the running process. If you want to terminate a particular process you can use the process id from the ps command output and terminate the process.
ctrl+alt+del in windows will display the task manager that is what ps command in linux, end process is the command in windows, in linux we use kill command.
Thats the comparison between the operation in linux and windows..:)
Syntax :
kill -9 processid
-9 is used to ensure that the process is being killed.
kill -9 3000
the above command will kill the process with the processid 3000.
Real time usage
As i said earlier You can use this command when your system gets struck...:)
Will discuss much more linux command in upcoming post..:)
Have a great week ahead..:)
Praveen Kumar Rajendran
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