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Friday, May 3, 2013


Clustering is the use of multiple computers typically PCs or UNIX work stations , multiple storage devices and redundant interconnections, to form what appears to users as a single highly available system. Clustering is the term used to describe the means of connecting multiple computers so that they behave as a single unit. In a computing cluster individual processors function as an integrated computing resource. Combining multiple computers to form one computing unit as the benefits of increased computing power, and ensuring high availability of computing resources by the elimination of single points of failure, and the ability to balance loads on the resources available. To users and applications, the clusters feel and behave like a single, very power computer. Cluster computing is therefore is the use of clustered systems to run applications. Key components of the clustered system are the number of nodes (computers) involved, the means of connecting them together (the hardware and communication protocols used), and the manner in which the nodes access resources (memory, disk) within the cluster.

Smirthi Prema
Kongu Engineering College, Erode
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