Domain Name Service
Dear Readers..!!
In this article i am going discuss about DNS in a very simple manner.
Domain Name Service is one of the important procedure that take place when a client send a request to the server.
The main purpose of the DNS is find the IP address of the domain name (vice verse).
For example if user types and sends a request via the web browser, the job of DNS is to provide the IP address of the requested page.
Using the IP address provided by the DNS the request will be sent to the server.
This process of converting the Domain name into IP address is termed as Address Resolution.
Every country or a region will have a table that has both domain name and the IP address of the respective domain name in it.
If the user provides the domain name, IP address of that domain name will be searched in that table and domain name will converted to that IP address.
Registrations to that table is done via Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) an organization that does domain name registration.
Why we need to do Address Resolution?
Address Resolution has to be done because the networking devices can understand only numbers and not any other input, which will be further converted into binary values ( Machine understandable Language )
Er. Praveen Kumar Rajendran M.E
Sathyabama University, Chennai
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