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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Structured Data Vs Un Structured Data

Data storage and retrieval are the minimal task done by  a common man using computer. The main goal of studying data structure is to store and retrieve the data in an efficient manner. Data that is being fed into Internet can be classified into two broader categories.

1. Structured Data
2. Unstructured Data.

Structured Data are the data that is being stored in a regular pattern or in an ordered manner, such that it is very easy to retrieve the data.

Unstructured Data are the data that is being stored without any regular pattern, it is very difficult to retrieve the data when it is not stored in a regular pattern. Almost nowadays many websites follow unstructured data storage. Facebook would be the best example for unstructured data storage.

What ever the post, comment, shares etc is being done by an user, it will be considered as that particular user's data. One particular user will not fed only to his/her profile, a user can fed input to pages, groups etc. For example if i post a photo comment of a page and if i want to retrieve that photo means it is very difficult to search that particular data.

Here at this point i would like to clarify one thing about data retrieval in case of unstructured data

 It is not that we cannot retrieve the data.We can but it is difficult and time consuming.

Even though it is memory consuming ,Facebook allows to store in an unstructured format is to satisfy the customers.

Spreadsheet would be the best example for structured data storage. Data is being stored in a regular manner within the cells of the spread sheet. Here there is a boundary for storing the data, but the boundary will get expand as and when it is needed. So you can store as much as data into one particular cell.

This article i would like to add as a part of SMAC and it comes under A- Analytics 


Er. Praveen Kumar Rajendran M.E

Sathyabama University
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Item Reviewed: Structured Data Vs Un Structured Data Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Praveen Kumar Rajendran