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Friday, March 29, 2013



Biometrics is the latest buzz in the field of data security. Biometrics uses the physiological or the behavioural characteristics of human being. In biometrics these characteristics is recognized automatically to provide access to the data. As few of the characteristics of human being is so unique. We are going to use such characteristics to provide the security for data. So we have no other way other than using the Physiological or behavioral characteristics of human being to provide the security. The below picture clear shows the definition of biometrics  Biometrics is of two kinds: one deals with the physical traits of the user (Retinal scanning, Fingerprint scanning, DNA testing etc.,) and the other deals with the behavioral traits of the user (Voice recognition, Keystroke dynamics, etc.).

If someone is going to use the biometrics for the first time, the person is called as enrollment. In this stage, information of that person is stored in the device. One should make sure that information given in the device should be secure.
 When the same person uses the device for the next time, the information stored in the biometric system during the enrollment is compared with input provided by the user. If the information matches, the person will be allowed to use the device. One should make sure that storage as well as retrieval of the information is done in a secure manner.

Praveen Kumar Rajendran
CollabNet Software Limited, Chennai

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Item Reviewed: Biometrics Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Praveen Kumar Rajendran